smooth - Forecasting Using State Space Models
Functions implementing Single Source of Error state space models for purposes of time series analysis and forecasting. The package includes ADAM (Svetunkov, 2023, <>), Exponential Smoothing (Hyndman et al., 2008, <doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-71918-2>), SARIMA (Svetunkov & Boylan, 2019 <doi: 10.1080/00207543.2019.1600764>), Complex Exponential Smoothing (Svetunkov & Kourentzes, 2018, <doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24986.29123>), Simple Moving Average (Svetunkov & Petropoulos, 2018 <doi: 10.1080/00207543.2017.1380326>) and several simulation functions. It also allows dealing with intermittent demand based on the iETS framework (Svetunkov & Boylan, 2019, <doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35897.06242>).
Last updated 2 days ago
11.87 score 91 stars 25 dependents 412 scripts 7.1k downloadsgreybox - Toolbox for Model Building and Forecasting
Implements functions and instruments for regression model building and its application to forecasting. The main scope of the package is in variables selection and models specification for cases of time series data. This includes promotional modelling, selection between different dynamic regressions with non-standard distributions of errors, selection based on cross validation, solutions to the fat regression model problem and more. Models developed in the package are tailored specifically for forecasting purposes. So as a results there are several methods that allow producing forecasts from these models and visualising them.
Last updated 1 months ago
11.03 score 31 stars 34 dependents 97 scripts 5.7k downloadslegion - Forecasting Using Multivariate Models
Functions implementing multivariate state space models for purposes of time series analysis and forecasting. The focus of the package is on multivariate models, such as Vector Exponential Smoothing, Vector ETS (Error-Trend-Seasonal model) etc. It currently includes Vector Exponential Smoothing (VES, de Silva et al., 2010, <doi:10.1177/1471082X0901000401>), Vector ETS (Svetunkov et al., 2023, <doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2022.04.040>) and simulation function for VES.
Last updated 1 months ago
6.90 score 11 stars 1 dependents 1 scripts 950 downloadscomplex - Time Series Analysis and Forecasting Using Complex Variables
Set of function implementing the instruments for complex-valued modelling, including time series analysis and forecasting. This is based on the monograph by Svetunkov Sergey and Svetunkov Ivan "Complex-valued Econometrics with Examples in R" which is in press by Springer (expected to be published in 2024).
Last updated 5 months ago
3.40 score 1 stars 26 downloads